It often occurs to me how much different this business of credit repair is than what people perceive it to be before they get into it. As an example, we get calls frequently from people that want to start a credit repair business. And, of course, they want credit repair business training. But they believe the training they need is in how to dispute and remove negative items from credit reports. Do they need to know that? Yes, and No.

Drafting Dispute Letters is Clerical Work

If you're going to be the only one that runs and operates within your business, then yes, you do need to know how to draft dispute letters. However, the function of analyzing credit reports and drafting dispute letters is clerical work. A credit repair business owner shouldn’t expect to be paid a six-figure income for drafting dispute letters and other admin work. Someone else should handle this for their clients while they perform the function that creates the most value. And, that is building a business.

Soloprenuer vs. Entrepreneur

When someone starts a business and they are the only one in the business, they are not an entrepreneur. They are a solopreneur. They do everything and are responsible for everything. If something gets done they have to do it. Marketing, sales, admin work, customer service falls upon them. You do own your business. But your business also owns you. It's not a sustainable business model. It's not a smart move given the time, energy, and money required to start a credit repair business.

Instead, you should strive to be an entrepreneur where you are promoting, building, and directing your business. You handle the most important functions which are marketing and sales. You are the face of your business to your prospective clients and people that can refer business to you.

If you're thinking about starting a credit repair business and are looking for credit repair business training, we can provide both. You can be in business tomorrow with a complete credit repair business infrastructure and credit repair business training. But we are not going to teach you how to draft dispute letters. Instead, we're going to provide you with a staff of highly trained and supervised people that will do that for you. Instead, we're going to teach you how to operate a successful credit repair business.

It's not just credit repair training. It's credit repair business training.

We teach our agents how to be efficient and effective at getting clients, referrals for clients, and overall, building a large business if that’s what they so desire.

We have a flexible online training program that will fit anyone's schedule. In addition, our Agents receive one on one coaching from Dale Guiducci. Dale has developed a credit repair business that generates over $1 million in annual revenue. We teach people absolutely, unequivocally everything they need to know with regard to building a successful business in the credit restoration industry.

Don't sign up for an expensive seminar that will teach you how to analyze credit reports and draft dispute letters. With our company, you'll have a staff that does that for you. Learn how to be a business owner, an entrepreneur in the credit repair industry. Learn how to leverage your time while you build your new credit repair business.

Be in Business For Yourself, But Not By Yourself

The key to success in the credit repair industry is the business model. If you do it all alone you simply won't have the time and resources to generate the clients and deliver the service. With our business model, it's turn-key for you. It allows you to concentrate on the revenue-producing tasks and let the clerical work be done by a  staff of trained people. If this makes sense to you click below and learn more.

Learn About a Business Model That Will Provide You With
Everything You Need to Get Started as an Entrepreneur in the Credit Repair Industry.

You Can Do Business in All 50 States Without Surety Bonds

And, You'll Be Trained on How to Grow a Successful Credit Repair Business