If you run a debt settlement company, debt relief company, or debt consolidation company, you are in some way generating leads. You may buy these leads or produce them through your own marketing efforts. Either way, these leads must be sifted through them to determine which are qualified for your specific program. The question we have for you is, what are you doing with your unqualified debt settlement leads? In other words, those leads that don’t qualify for your program.
Most Debt Settlement Leads Don’t Meet the Program Qualifications
Debt relief leads and debt consolidation leads must be qualified just like debt settlement leads to meet the parameters of your specific program. In speaking to companies in these 3 areas, we have learned that most leads in fact do not meet the qualifications to fit into that company’s program. So, those leads are perhaps tossed aside.
Sell Them Something They Need
We have a better idea than just moving onto the next lead. Think about it. Although these people don’t have the debt amount or type of debt required to take advantage of your company’s core service, they are struggling with their finances. Typically they have a low credit score and derogatory accounts on their credit report. They also may need to add accounts that are reporting positively to the credit bureaus each month. Certainly, they'll need help with paying down debt and budgeting.
You already have the person on the phone. You spent the money to get them this far. Get something for your efforts. And help them out because they do need help with their finances.
Create a Revenue Stream from Leads That You Would Otherwise Throw Away
Leads that don’t meet your company’s parameters quite often will be a perfect fit for the services our company offers. Our credit restoration program offers the following and more:
- Dispute of derogatory items on consumer credit reports
- Services that add positive accounts to consumer credit reports
- Debt payoff system
- Budgeting system
- Online credit monitoring
- Identity monitoring
- Savings goal tool
Become an Independent Agent with Us
Your debt settlement company, debt relief company, debt consolidation company, or you as an individual can become an independent agent with us and sell our services. In that way, you can generate income for your company or yourself with your otherwise unqualified debt settlement leads, debt relief leads, or debt consolidation leads.
Each sale made generates a $75 commission. Then each time the client makes their monthly payment, you get $10. Our average client stays on service with us for 6 months. That means that each debt settlement lead that you would otherwise throw away can generate your company about $135.
Use Our Services in Your Marketing
Here’s an additional thought. You could incorporate our services into your marketing campaigns. By using this type of cross-marketing strategy you may be able to capture even more leads, decrease your cost per lead, and increase your closing rate.
Learn More About Us
To learn more about how to start a credit repair business with our company, watch this detailed business overview video. Take notes. Prepare some questions. If you like what you see, click below that video to schedule a phone appointment with us. Let’s see if this is a good fit for you and your company. We look forward to it!
Now Schedule a Time to Talk About Creating a New Revenue Stream for You or Your Company
Please Note- Appointment Calendar is Set for Eastern Standard Time
This article which was originally posted in 2021 is updated regularly and was last updated in July 2023.