You may have some issues with your credit score and want to do something about it. You’re familiar with the term credit repair and feel that’s the best solution. However, the best credit repair service is not just credit repair. What? That doesn’t seem to make sense. But read on and it will.

Credit repair is simply removing negative or derogatory items on your credit report. That is called “Payment History”. If successful, it will give you a bump in your credit score. But your credit score is made up of 5 general components. Payment history is only one of those components. When you do credit repair alone it accounts for only 35% of your overall credit score.

The Best Credit Repair Solution

The best credit repair service will work on 100% of your credit score. What if working on the other 65% could increase your credit score much higher than working on payment history alone? And, what if you could work on 100% of your credit score and have it cost you exactly the same as working on just 35%?

Fix 100% of Your Credit Score

The vast majority of credit repair companies work only on payment history. At ERA Credit Services we are an Independent Agency and have relationships with many other well-known companies. We incorporate the credit services of these other companies to work on 100% of your credit score. Therefore, we give you the best credit repair service available in the country.

Don't Ignore 65% of Your Credit Score

We are going to show you how to pay down your debts owed with the exact same amount of money you are using to pay the debt now. That factor is 30% of your credit score.

Clearwater - Ft. Myers - Jacksonville

Orlando - San Diego - Tampa

and Nationwide

If needed, we will help you establish new credit. That is 10% of your credit score.

We also have ways to add to your credit history making you more creditworthy. That accounts for 15% of your score.

And, helping you establish new credit and adding to your credit history will add to the types of credit you have. The credit mix is the final 10%.

There is no company like ours in America today that will give you this array of services. We provide you with the best credit repair service for the same price other companies charge for credit repair alone.

Start Repairing Your Credit in Just 15 Minutes for $3.30 a Day!

STOP putting up with a poor credit score, not qualifying for the things you want, and having that negative feeling

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Or Get Started NOW!

This article which was originally posted in 2018 is updated regularly and was last updated in July 2023.

ERA Credit Services is an Independent Advisor
and does not directly provide credit repair services or accept funds from clients for credit repair services.