When searching for Tampa credit repair agencies you’re going to have a lot of choices. You can take the easy route and call the first one listed on Google. Or, if you know what to look for, you can take an extra few minutes to visit the company website and determine if the company has the key factors of a great company.

We are extremely pleased to announce that we have been chosen to receive
the Expertise Award for "Best Credit Repair Companies in Tampa"

Best Tampa Credit Repair Companies

What Should You Look for in a Credit Repair Company?

What are the keys to a company providing the best credit repair services in Tampa? And, what questions should you ask when contacting Tampa credit repair agencies?

- How long has the company been in business?
- Do you have the opportunity to talk with someone that can explain the law and process of credit repair to you? Or, are they just trying to get the sale?
- Can you see credit repair services reviews on their website or Yelp page?

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and Nationwide

- Do they work with real estate agents, mortgage brokers, and banks in the Tampa area? This is a key indicator. If professionals in these industries trust them to help their clients that’s a good sign.
- Are they knowledgeable and do they explain the process to you?
- Do they ask you about your situation and explain how they can help YOU. Or, is it a one size fits all approach?

Questions You Should Ask

- Will they challenge all the negative items right away? That’s what you want. Or, do they drag it out costing you time and money?
- Do they educate you about what makes up a great credit score and make recommendations on what you can do to help raise your credit score as well?
- Will you have online access to your account so you can monitor your progress?
- Can you see what items they are handling for you and when?
- Do they provide live Customer Support that you can call and ask questions?
- Does the company give you online access to your credit reports and credit scores so you can see what’s happening with your score?

What do Tampa Credit Repair Agencies Charge?

For every one of the Tampa credit repair agencies you call it’s going to be very different. There is typically a start-up fee to get your account going. But if you’re paying $100 or more per month, that’s too much. In addition, if you have to sign a contract beware. That typically means that you’ll be locked into a specific time you’ll have to pay for their services. The time it takes to repair your credit will vary based on your situation. It could take as little as 60 days so don’t sign anything that forces you to pay for any length of time.

For experienced and knowledgeable credit repair service in Tampa and the Tampa Bay area call us at ERA Credit Services. Or, for your convenience, you can book a phone appointment below. We provide a no-obligation, very informative phone consultation. You’ll know exactly how credit repair works under federal law. And, you’ll know if credit repair is going to work for your specific situation.

We have been in business since 2012 and provide a Customer Satisfaction Guarantee. Professionals from Keller Williams, BB&T Bank, Charles Rutenberg Realty, and many others confidently call upon us to assist their clients.

For details on the services we offer, visit Credit Repair

Start Repairing Your Credit in Just 15 Minutes
for $3.30 a Day!

STOP putting up with a poor credit score,
not qualifying for the things you want, and having that negative feeling...

The appointment Calendar is Set for Eastern Standard Time

This article which was originally posted in 2017 is updated regularly and was last updated in July 2023.

ERA Credit Services is an Independent Advisor
and does not directly provide credit repair services or accept funds from clients for credit repair services.