When you look for credit repair companies on the internet it may be overwhelming. There are 10 credit repair companies listed on the 1st page of Google. Do you just call the 1st company listed? Do you call all of them?

What if you new some questions to ask when you visited these credit repair companies' websites and/or called them? Wouldn’t that make it easier? Below is a list of questions to ask and the reason why you want to ask each question.

Questions to Ask Credit Repair Companies

How long have you been in business?

Experience and track record in the credit repair industry is critical to success for you as a client. Unlike in real estate or the mortgage industry, there is no licensing required in credit repair. Therefore, just because a company is listed on the front page of Google doesn’t mean they’re good at what they do.

Do you dispute ALL derogatory items on my credit report immediately?

Understand that most credit repair companies do not. They only challenge or dispute one or two items at a time. This prolongs the time it takes to get you a result and costs you far more money. If they don’t address all your items immediately find another credit repair company that does.

Clearwater - Ft. Myers - Jacksonville

Orlando - San Diego - Tampa

and Nationwide

Will you make recommendations and coach me on what I could be doing to increase my credit score?

Credit repair is an effective means to increase your credit score. But you should be made aware of what you can do to impact your credit score now and in the future. If they can’t or don’t do this you aren’t working with one of the best credit repair companies.

Do you do more than just remove derogatory or negative items from my credit report?

Credit repair specifically is the function of removing negative items from a credit report. It will increase your credit score. But it won't increase your score as much if that all that is done. Credit repair affects just 35% of your credit score (payment history) as calculated by the credit bureaus. Why not work on 100% of your credit score?

Do I get an online account so I can monitor the progress of my credit repair service?

Most credit repair companies do not give you access to any part of your service or account. You don't see what they're trying to get removed or how they are doing it. Nor what's been deleted and what hasn't. You should have complete access to every aspect of your account and credit repair service.

These are the main questions to ask when looking for credit repair companies to work with.

If you call our company we answer these questions on the phone right away.

  • We have a track record since 2012 and have assisted over thousands of clients in increasing their credit scores. And, we help clients in all 50 states.
  • Every negative item we find on your credit reports will be addressed right away to get you results in as little as 45 days.
  • We'll make recommendations and coach you on how to have the highest credit score possible. You'll be able to interact with it in your online account.
  • We provide you with many services as part of our credit repair program. You'll have real-time online credit monitoring which provides you with your credit score 24/7. You can see the progress. We give you identity monitoring to protect against someone trying to use your information. If you rent a home, condo, or apartment we can also have your rent payments added to your credit reports giving you another positive account which will increase your score.
  • And, yes, we provide you with a password-protected online account so you can see every aspect of the services we provide you. That includes the accounts we're working on for you and your credit score.

Book a Free, No-Obligation Phone Consultation Today!

We have proven time and time again that we are one of the best credit repair companies in America today.

We offer a free, no-obligation consultation on your specific situation.

You'll get a full explanation of how it all works.

We’ll give you an honest assessment of the time frame it will take for you to remove negative items from your reports.

And, we’ll give you a fair price for the best credit repair service in the country.

Book a Phone Appointment Right Now!

Or visit the Credit Repair page on our website to read more about our specific services.

This article which was originally posted in 2017 is updated regularly and was last updated in July 2023.

ERA Credit Services is an Independent Advisor
and does not directly provide credit repair services or accept funds from clients for credit repair services.