If you're doing research on how to start a credit repair business you have a few options. You can buy or pay monthly for software, get a surety bond, find a merchant services company to be able to take credit and debit cards, find a credit report broker to pull credit for your customers, build a website, build a sales funnel for online marketing, and then do all the marketing, sales, administrative and customer support work yourself. And then learn how to do all of that well. Sounds exhausting and expensive, right? That's because it is.
If you want to learn how to start a credit repair business you first have to ask yourself some questions.
How many hours per week or per month do I have to devote to a credit repair business?
Do I have the necessary expertise in all the different aspects of the credit repair business such as technology, sales, marketing, and customer service?
When I start my credit repair business do I want to do all the work myself?
Do I want to do it the hard way or the easy way?
I’m not trying to dampen your spirits about learning how to start a credit repair business. I’m trying to save you a lot of time, energy, and money. The reason I am qualified to do this is only that I started a credit repair business in August of 2012 and become very successful with it. If I can pass along what I’ve learned to you then taking the time to write this is well worth it to me.
I get calls from many people every week asking me about this topic. The fact is that we don’t know what we don’t know. Then we read on the internet how easy it is and how much money we can make. It’s therefore, very enticing to learn how to start a credit repair business.
The above video was filmed in 2017. Although some minor details have changed, the information still applies to the opportunity that we have in place for you today. However, now the upfront cost to get started is less than $120!
What They Don't Tell You
What they don’t tell you is that if you have to do all the marketing, selling, and service delivery yourself, you’ll never have enough business to make a substantial income. The reason is that there just aren’t enough hours in a day.
I’m sure you’ve figured this out by now but here’s what you need:
- Credit repair training on how to build a business in this industry
- Knowledge of the federal laws and laws in your state
- Knowledge of the competition both locally and nationally
- Technology to build online reporting for your client
- A website to market your business
- Knowledge of how to market a credit repair business
- And more…
Training is provided through flexible and convenient recorded and live online credit repair classes.
Software is NOT All That You Need
Many companies that want to sell you their credit repair business software may tell you that you don’t need any of this. Or, that it’s simple to learn. It’s not. By the way, with our business model, you don't need to purchase credit repair software!
After over 10 years in the industry, I would suggest that you align yourself with a company that’s already done all of this and simply represent them as an Independent Advisor. Get your business started now by leveraging what someone else has already built. Be successful with it. If at some point you’re still dead set on starting your own separate company, at least then you’ll know not only what is necessary, but how to do it.
Your Options for How to Start a Credit Repair Business
There are a few companies out there that give you the opportunity to align with them and still have your own business. Credit Repair USA and Allied Credit Solutions are two of them. However, there is only one company that I’ve found that gives you everything you need to be in the credit repair business. Of course, this is the company that I represent as well. With this company, I have built a very successful, nationwide business that I run from home.
They also give you the opportunity to bring on other people and you'll get paid for their production. Why is that important? Because you can only do so much yourself. Just like all successful business people you want to use leverage.
You Can Be in Business Today!
This means you can be in business tomorrow and avoid the overwhelming time, cost, and information you’ll have to learn about how to start a credit repair business.
Click below to find out more. Here you'll find a powerful and informative video. That video will give you all the details of a great opportunity in credit repair.
You'll learn how to start a credit repair business today. And, do it for less than $300! It's exactly what we did in 2012 although we paid more than $300. Since then I have produced nearly $1 million in annual revenues from my credit repair business. And, I have no employees. I have no liability. My overhead is very low. I work from home. And, I control my own schedule.
Want to know more? Click Credit Repair Business Opportunity. Watch the video on that page. If you like what you see and feel that it's a good fit for you, book a phone appointment to speak with me. You'll get all your questions answered. And, we can talk about what you're looking to accomplish with a credit repair business. How is it done? What do you do every day to earn 6 figures? And why this business model will help you do that.
This article which was originally posted in 2017 is updated regularly and was last updated in July 2023.