Financial Services Business Opportunity

The financial services business opportunity with our company allows you to help solve some major problems for your clients.

Although our economy in recent years appeared to be strong, in 2022 we have started to experience a slowdown. Inflation alone has caused the majority of Americans to struggle to make ends meet. On top of that, we still are feeling the effects of the COVID-19 virus. An unexpected expense of $500 would create hardship and some monthly bills would go unpaid.

Currently, nearly one-third of Americans have a credit score lower than 601.  This is costing them tens of thousands in higher interest payments. And, it's preventing them from qualifying for a conventional home loan.

Another factor is that most Americans (70% according to Forbes) hate their jobs. And, ironically 70% (according to would prefer to be self-employed. Many more are approaching retirement and need to supplement their income with something they can do from home. And, not take on a huge risk by investing a large amount of money to get it started.

Learn more about the services we offer and our financial service business opportunity.

Our Financial Services Business Opportunity helps people in both categories

We provide the services that help our customers save more of the money they earn, grow that money, and learn how to protect it long-term. The average family in our country today has very little savings for college or retirement. Further, they do not have enough life insurance. And, as stated above, their credit score is causing them to spend more paying off their debt (car, home, credit card). The debt isn't getting paid down and no money is being saved.

We also provide the infrastructure, technology, processes, systems, marketing tools, and service delivery so that people that want to start their own business can do so. They then can have a business that helps people plan their financial future and pay down their debt. For a small investment of under $300.00, someone with the desire to own a financial services business from home can do so.

What Do You Need to Start This Business?

1- You need to be able to invest $300.00 to start your business.

2- You must have a minimum of 10 to 15 hours a week to devote to your business.

Visit our Business Opportunity Page to learn more details. Watch our Business Overview Video and then Book an Appointment to speak with us further.