Make no mistake the key to financial success is residual income. Income that is generated from the work you previously did. That doesn’t mean you don’t have to work hard for it. It just means that you perform the work once and keep getting paid. Any financially successful person has a residual income. In many cases, it comes from having worked in a profession or built a business where the service or product sold keeps paying them. It’s called stability. A job that requires you to work every day or a business that requires your efforts every day is instability. Learn about residual income in credit repair.

Having Credit Repair Customers Does NOT Create True Residual Income However

You might think residual income in a credit repair business is derived from selling your credit repair service to customers. But that customer will not pay you forever. They will stop paying once you have completed the work and/or their score is where they want it to be. Therefore, you can sell credit repair all day, all week, all month but what do you have to do tomorrow, next week, next month? Sell more. When does it end? It doesn’t. That’s not the way to financial success because everything is dependent on your efforts.

You might say, “Well isn’t that the way it’s supposed to be?” Weren’t we taught that in school? Weren’t we taught that by our parents? Financially successful people disagree. They work hard to build a business that eventually generates income for them while they are not working. With our credit repair business model that’s what you have an opportunity to do. We teach you to incorporate the efforts of other people. Yes, you want to build your own credit repair business and clientele. But you also want to establish other Agencies. That is other Agents that are also producing credit repair sales and incorporating the efforts of others themselves, who also generate credit repair sales.

How to Do It The Right Way

Think about it. How many customers can you have in a month? 20, 30, more? That’s a lot of work. First, you have to find those customers, then sell to those customers, then perform all the credit repair work. To do this month after month is not the path to financial success. It’s a path to having a business that will always need your time and attention. What if you want to take a vacation? What if you’re sick for a few days or a week? Your income stops.

But if you have other Agents, other Agencies you spread the burden of bringing in sales and revenue and income among many allowing you to get paid while you’re not working. Plus our credit repair division does all the credit repair admin work giving you and your Agents the time to go out and find more customers.

If you’re going to work hard anyway why not work hard at building a business that in 3, 5, or 7 years will pay you a significant income whether you keep working or not? That’s what attracted us to this company. That’s why we've worked extremely hard to build this nationally. You can do the same and we can show you how.

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