It has become more difficult over the years to start a credit repair business. Strict government regulations on the credit repair industry have created hurdles for an individual or even small companies to help people restore their credit. That is why our business model is the best way to begin offering credit score-building services to consumers.

Major Change in the Industry

Since 2012 when I first started my own credit repair business, I see a major change. It is far more difficult to start a credit repair business on your own now than ever before. It’s not just the government regulations. Although that is an issue. Even if, as a credit repair business owner, you learn the laws and try to abide by them, you may still get contacted by your state and be asked to make changes to your marketing or other practices.

But it’s also the competition. As in other industries, the larger players dominate advertising on and offline. They can afford to charge lower fees and beat the smaller companies that way as well. So, even if you figure out how to get your business up and running, you need to compete with much larger companies for the clients.

Work with Us and Stay Ahead of the Competition

That is why working with us is a great way to go. Collectively we are a major player. Our attorneys stay on top of all state regulations. And, we have done something no other company has done in this industry. We have other services that we give our clients at no extra charge. And, we charge less than any of the major players out there. Therefore, by working with us you stay ahead of the competition.

Our business overview video shares all the details. So, get to a place where you won’t get distracted and take good notes. I love videos because they share 100% of the correct information 100% of the time. And they never forget to tell you something.

Once you watch the video, you’ll then be able to book a phone appointment with me. We can get into any questions you may have. And, I’ll share with you my 11-plus years of experience in the industry. You can then make an informed decision if this is the right fit for you. I look forward to talking with you.

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Or, Get Started NOW

This article which was originally posted in 2019 is updated regularly and was last updated in July 2023.