When thinking about possible businesses to start, whether it be a part-time side hustle or a full-time venture, a lot of people think about a credit repair career. And, for good reason. Especially if they get gratification from helping others. A good credit score has become more important than ever before. And, there are millions who have a poor score and don’t understand how to get a good credit score.
I’ve written many blog posts and done over a dozen videos that you can find on my YouTube channel that explain the steps necessary to start a credit repair business. So, I’m not going to cover those details in this post. Instead, I’m going to focus on what it takes after someone has begun their credit repair career.
Know the Probability
I know this sounds very basic, but I talk to people in credit repair all the time that really do not know how federal law works. They simply do not understand credit repair law. It’s one of the first things I teach someone when they join our company. I’m not just talking about the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Someone in credit repair needs to understand the probability that an item can get removed from a credit report based on several different factors. How old is the item? What type of item is it? Who is the creditor? Is it an open or closed account? Is it a charge-off? Has the item been paid or is it still outstanding? All these factors will either increase or decrease the probability that you or any company can get that item removed for the client.
Understand the Credit Repair Market
Another area I see lacking in many that want a credit repair career is that they don’t understand the credit repair market. They believe that everyone that has a sub-600 credit score desires to take the steps and spend the money to get a higher credit score. That is not true at all. The only time most people with a poor credit score are motivated to improve their situation is when they want to use their credit. When they want to buy something like a home, a car, or another major purchase that requires financing. I say this all the time. “People can live their whole lives with a bad credit score.”
The reason that this is important to understand if you want to have a credit repair career, is because of marketing. You could spend a bunch of money and countless hours chasing the wrong people. You need to find people that are emotionally invested in a major purchase. And, have enough money so that your service fee seems like nothing compared to not being able to make that purchase. Chasing people that have a low score but aren’t ready to buy something that requires them to have a good score is a serious waste of time and money.
Know Your Competition
It amazes me that people want to be successful in selling their credit repair service, but they have no idea who the competition is in their local area and the national companies. Once you learn who your competitors are then find out what they do and what they charge. Do they pull credit, or do they ask the client to furnish it? Is there policy to dispute all items right away or do they string it out to be able to charge more monthly fees to their clients? Do they provide their clients with any online reporting? You need to know what you’re up against to do what comes next.
What Makes You Different?
There are thousands of companies, large and small, in this country that do credit repair. How are you going to be any different? Why should someone trust you? What is going to make them start their credit repair service with you? If you can’t answer these questions with some serious differentiators and with confidence, stop now and find those answers.
How Are You Going to Get Your Clients?
This is also huge to figure out before you invest a lot of time and energy into your credit repair career. There are 2 main ways to attract clients. You can advertise. If you decide to go this way it doesn’t matter how you choose to do it, there’s always going to be a challenge. When someone calls, emails, texts, or comments in response to an ad, you’ll have no trust factor or no credibility. You’ll have about 10 seconds to develop that. Which means you better be good on the phone and have some sales skills. It goes back to what I said about people with a low credit score not necessarily being motivated. They may see your Facebook post at 11 at night and be a little curious. But are they serious? You’ll need to sort through a ton of advertising leads to finding sales. Trust me.
The best way in this industry to find qualified leads and have trust and credibility before they even contact you is when you get referrals. Specifically, referrals from real estate agents and brokers, mortgage brokers and loan officers, and other credit-related industry professionals. This is the bread and butter of the industry. You can offer these professionals the opportunity to help them close more business and make a significant amount more money every year. All they need to do is edify you and give you their credit-challenged prospects info. It’s a beautiful thing.
Be Consistent in Your Credit Repair Career
To have a successful credit repair career, it’s also important to be consistent. Many people start a credit repair business on a part-time basis. It is easy in that case, to become distracted and not put in consistent hours and consistent effort into building your business. Especially in the beginning, whether or not it’s going as well as you expected, you have to push through the emotions and the fatigue and do the work every day. Given that you have studied and know credit repair law, know the chances of removing items, know the credit repair market, know your competition, can share your differentiators, and have a good marketing plan, you still need to work your tail off. It won’t come easy. And, it will take some time. But a successful credit repair career will only come to those that consistently work on their credit repair business every day.
If you would like to learn how you can have your own credit repair Agency and work with me, visit Credit Repair Business Opportunity to watch a short video and then book a phone appointment. We'll talk about what you're trying to accomplish and whether what we do is a good fit for you.