90% of people fail as a credit repair business owner. Don’t let that discourage you. It’s actually a good thing because it weeds out those that make a poor decision regarding their business model. It should, however, make you curious about why choosing a business model is so important. And, want to find out what the credit repair business model options are.

We’ll discuss the options below but just know that if you choose a business model where you are doing all the work (marketing, sales, service delivery) you will fall into the category of the 90% who fail. It’s inevitable. That’s not because of your abilities necessarily. It’s because there are only so many hours in a day and you HAVE NO LEVERAGE!

Think about it. As an employee working for someone else, you were trading time for money. Go to work for a certain number of hours and bring home a check. If you didn’t work, there was no check. What would be different of you became a credit repair business owner and had to do all the work yourself? You still HAVE NO LEVERAGE!

You could never stop working. You couldn’t even make money when you took time off or got sick. Yes, you are working for yourself but you’re the only one that’s working!

You Have to Decide.
Do You Want to be a Solopreneur
or an Entrepreneur?

Credit Repair Business Model - Choose Wisely

It’s all about being an entrepreneur versus a solopreneur. Solopreneurs work for themselves but also by themselves.

But what if you could use leverage to have systems and people in place working for you? This is what entrepreneurs do. First, you could have more customers and make more income. Next, you could develop a passive income by having others generate business for you. And, you’d have a system in place to deliver the services to all these customers.

How do you build something like this as a credit repair business owner? You can’t. Or, at least most of us can’t because we simply don’t have the time, money, and expertise to do it. It takes years, millions of dollars, and decades of experience.

So, we’ve put this system together for anyone that wants to work smarter and not harder. And, become an entrepreneur as a credit repair business owner. Make no mistake. You still have to work hard. But why work harder at something that has a 90% chance of failing? Why not make a smart decision, to begin with, and work hard to build that?

The Best Business Solution for Credit Repair

We’ve partnered with two other companies to build this system. First, a company that provides all the technology and infrastructure. This includes websites, customer portals, delivery of the services, customer support, and satisfaction of legal requirements in all 50 states.

The other company provides credit repair training on how to run a successful business and become a true entrepreneur. There are flexible and convenient online and live credit repair classes. And, if someone wants to expand their business by developing a team of people to sell and build a business, they provide them with credit repair business training as well.

These two companies are both vitally important to our success and to yours. You can’t have one and not the other. You can’t have a vehicle and then not learn how to drive it. And, what good would it be to learn how to drive and not have a vehicle?

This system has proven to help people earn millions of dollars as credit repair business owners. It’s also helped people have a credit repair service available to their clients from another business. They don’t have to spend all their time delivering credit repair services. They can focus their time on their main business and still produce the result they are looking for.

If you want to learn more visit the BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY page on our website to watch a detailed video and schedule a time to speak with us.

This article which was originally posted in 2018 is updated regularly and was last updated in July 2023.