If you want to start a credit repair business from home, I encourage you to take a step back from researching credit repair software and the different pieces you’ll get to it off the ground. You must first put a plan together to make sure your new business will serve you well. This credit repair business should provide you with the right amount of income, time, and gratification that you desire. And it can’t take too much away from what you are currently doing such as a job, another business, your family, etc.
What You Need to Think About Before You Start
What Do You Want Your Credit Repair Business Do For You?
This startup credit repair business should do something very important, which is to provide you with what you want to get out of it. So, the first thing you must do is decide what specifically you want from this new business. As well as decide how much time, energy, and money you can put into it to not only get it started but also to run it properly for the long term.
What Are You Good At and What Do You Like To Do?
Once you decide on how your business should serve you, now you think about what specifically you’ll be doing to operate your credit repair business. Are you good at these various things and do you like doing them? Marketing, social media, sales, administrative tasks, paperwork, customer service, and more. The reason this task is so important is that if you want to learn how to start a credit repair business from home, these are the things you have to do. There is no one else to do them.
What Pieces Do You Need to Get Your Credit Repair Business Started?
Next, learn about all the pieces your new business will require that you put together. Now you can look into credit repair software. But that’s just the beginning. There are also credit repair laws in your state. Does your state require a surety bond? Will you charge fees in advance of providing service? If so, you’ll likely need a surety bond in that case.
But there’s far more. You’ll need a merchant services company so that you can take credit cards. Don’t forget that you will also need a way to get credit reports for your clients. Some credit repair software companies provide you with a website platform, but you still have to build that website. You’ll also need marketing materials for both offline and online marketing. Online marketing is a must, so videos and other marketing tools are very important.
Online reporting for your client is also standard today. You have to provide your clients a way to see what progress you are making on their behalf. Or, you’ll be calling all your clients, or they will be calling you all the time. This leads to another component and that is customer service. Who is going to take your clients calls when they have a question? Are you going to be able to do that if you have a job or run another business?
Credit Repair Business Training
Then you should have some credit repair business training. Not just credit repair law, the credit repair process and knowledge of the probability that specific types of items can be removed. But also training on how the credit repair business works. What’s the market? How should you get clients? What do you need to grow your business? And, more.
As you can see there’s a lot to consider when researching how to start a credit repair business from home. That is why just jumping in before you think this through can lead to a lot of wasted time and money, and basically a failed business.
Now, How Will You Be Different?
Let’s say you do figure all this out. Here’s one more challenge that you’ll have. And it’s a big one. If all you’re offering is credit repair, what makes you different than any of the other 81,000 companies out there that offer the exact same thing? How are you going to win business? What will make a real estate agent, as an example, send their credit-challenged clients to you versus someone else?
Start a Credit Repair Business with the Right Business Platform
We have a better approach. The business model that my wife and I have been working with since 2012 provides everything you need. You won’t need credit repair software, surety bonds, marketing materials, or a website. There will be no need for merchant services, finding a way to pull credit for your clients, or providing real-time customer service. It’s all provided for you!
Get Trained by Successful Credit Repair Business Owners
You’ll also receive credit repair training, training on how to run a credit repair business, and how to grow it nationally if you choose. You’ll be trained by the best in the industry in our online credit repair classes. Credit repair business owners that have businesses right now. People who do what you want to learn to do every day. And they generate revenue in the amount of $1,000,000 annually and far more.
Have What You Need to Compete With Any Company
And, you will have services well beyond credit repair that will work on 100% of your client’s credit score. Not just 35% with credit repair alone. You will be able to compete with Lexington Law, Ovation Credit, or any of the many local companies.
Save Time and Money and Get Your Business Started Today
Here’s perhaps the best part. You can get started today, not months from now. And it will cost you less than $150 to start and only $50/month after you have just 3 clients.
Sound too good to be true? It does actually. But it’s not. It’s very real. To learn more, watch the video below. Then book a phone appointment to speak with us. We’ll answer any and all of your questions. Then you can make an informed decision.
Please Note- Appointment Calendar is Set for Eastern Standard Time
This article which was originally posted in 2021 is updated regularly and was last updated in July 2023.