What prompted me to write about this topic is the fact that women are outproducing men in our company. Amongst the top producing credit restoration agency owners, women are dominating. I don’t specifically know why that is. However, I do believe women can typically instill trust and confidence in their clients and others quicker than men. There may be several other reasons as well. But what I do know is that owning a credit restoration (credit repair) agency is on top of the list as the best at home business for women.

Stay at Home Moms

Typically, women more than men need to juggle raising a family and producing income. A study conducted in 2019 found that women are no better than men with multi-tasking. Yet, in most cases, they take on more of the domestic responsibilities. Certainly, up until the time kids are going to school, women more than men are the primary caregiver. During those years Moms may need to find a business that they can do from home that is flexible, yet lucrative.

at home business for women
Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva from Pexels

Women Find Social Interactions More Rewarding Than Men

According to research in ScienceDaily.com released in January 2019 females find same-sex social interactions to be more rewarding than males. This may explain some of why women do so well in our business model because part of achieving success is to develop relationships with other professionals in real estate, mortgage, auto, solar and other industries.

Network Marketing and Direct Selling

Another reason why this is a great at home business for women is that our business model incorporates a network marketing style compensation plan. It rewards independent agency owners to look for people that would also want to own a part-time or full-time agency. They then are compensated a percentage of that new agency’s revenue production.

Women for decades have dominated the direct selling and network marketing industry. In fact, about 75% of people that are in the industry are women. “Women, by nature, just socialize and cooperate better than men do and those skills are inherent to success in direct selling,” says Loren Israelsen, president of the United Natural Products Alliance.

Why the Credit Restoration Industry?

Regardless of the reasons why women are succeeding in our company as independent agency owners, the fact is that they are. Our business model gives new agency owners the ability to start earning income immediately. The setup of the business takes less than a day. There are no certifications or licensing required.

A Large Market and Need for Our Services

The market of consumers needing our services is massive. There are a few estimates of the number of consumers in need of an improved credit score that ranges from 48 million to 68 million. This represents about 30% of all consumers with a credit score. Given these numbers, it’s hard not to know people or be able to easily find people that need help with their credit score and finances.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has made our opportunity an at home business for women and men. Some of our most successful agency owners are using social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to locate potential customers and even new agency owner prospects. If a woman or a man has a talent for social media, they literally can build a massive business from their phone.

Financial Literacy is Crucial

Perhaps one of the most important factors as to why our company has seen such explosive growth in recent years is that we don’t just provide credit repair as our only service like other companies in our industry. We have many other services to help people with their credit score and overall financial situation.

As well, we provide educational tools to our clients to increase their level of financial literacy. In fact, we have a foundation that provides a financial literacy curriculum for schools to help children become more knowledgeable and responsible as adults. The foundation also awards college scholarships. In 2021, we provided over $600,000 in scholarships to deserving young students across the country.

Attributes of Our Credit Restoration Agency At Home Business for Women

Low Start-Up Cost - Less than $300
Low Overhead - $99/month
Flexible Hours – could be simply part-time in the afternoons or evenings and weekends. But it also could be a lucrative full-time career.
Online Credit Repair Training – there is no travel required to learn this business because we provide credit repair classes online.
Quick Startup – You can start earning an income within 24 hours.
No Administrative Work – Our AI technology delivers services to clients on behalf of the agency owner.
Marketing Materials - videos, social media templates, and landing pages are available to all agency owners.

Learn More About Our at Home Business for Women

Click this link to discover details of the opportunity to own a credit restoration agency. There you can watch a video or read to get the details. Then you’ll have an opportunity to book a phone appointment at a day and time that works for your schedule. You can get all your questions answered and decide if this is the best opportunity for you.